No. | Title |
1 | A flow-through capnometer for obstructive sleep apnea. Related to TG-920P. |
2 | Accuracy of Postoperative End-tidal PCO2 Measurements with Mainstream and Sidestream Capnography in Nonobese Patients and in Obese Patients with and without Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Related to TG-920P. |
3 | Flow-through versus sidestream capnometry for detection of end tidal carbon dioxide in the sedated patient. Related to TG-920P. |
4 | PETCO2 measured by a new lightweight mainstream capnometer with very low dead space volume offers accurate and reliable noninvasive estimation of PaCO2. Takahashi D, Hiroma T, Nakamura T. Division of Neonatology, Nagano Children’s Hospital, Nagano, Japan. Methodology 21 October 2011 Volume 2011:1, 61-66. |
5 | A Novel Mainstream Capnometer System for Non-intubated Pediatric Patients Requiring Oxygen Administration. Fumihiko Takatori, Shinji Yamamori, Masayuki Inoue, Seiki Abe, Katsuyuki Miyasaka Nihon Kohden Corporation, Tokyo, Japan. Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS 2011; 2011:1189-92. |
6 | A Novel Mainstream Capnometer System for Non-Intubated Children Requiring Oxygen Administration. Seiki Abe, M.D.1, Fumihiko Takatori, Ph.D., Shinji Yamamori, Ph.D., Katsuyuki Miyasaka, M.D. 1. Nagano children's hospital, Azumino-shi, Japan. The Anesthesiology annal meeting 2011, A1662. |
7 | A lightweight mainstream capnometer with very low dead space volume is useful monitor for neonates with spontanous and mechanical ventilation: Pilot study. Daijiro Takahashi, Miyu Matsui, Takehiko Hiroma, Tomohiko Nakamura. Division of Neonatology, Nagano Children’s Hospital, Nagano, Japan. Open Journal of Pediatrics Vol.2 No.2, 127-132, June 2012. |
8 | Audible Capnometric Cues Facilitate Targeted Control of End-Tidal Cdioxide During Manual Ventilation. Kiyoyuki W. Miyasaka, M.D., Toshiki Aoki, Not Applicable, Masayuki Inoue, Not Applicable, Shinji Yamamori, Ph.D., Katsuyuki Miyasaka, M.D.,Ph.D. St. Luke's International Hospital, Tokyo, Japan. The Anesthesiology annal meeting 2013, A1185. |
9 | A Novel Mainstream Capnometer System for Polysomnography Integrated with Measurement of Nasal Pressure and Thermal Airflow. Kota Saeki, Yuya Baba, Fumihiko Takatori, Masayuki Inoue, Naoki Kobayashi, Shinji Yamamori. Nihon Kohden Corporation, Shinjyuku-ku, Japan. Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS 2014; 2014:2139-43. |
10 | Resistance of Colorimetric Carbon Dioxide Detectors Commonly Utilized in Neonates. Melissa K Brown1, Danielle V Lazarus, Sarah R Gonzales, Wade D Rich, Madeline J Wozniak, Debra M Poeltler and Anup C Katheria. 1. Neonatal Research Institute, Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women and Newborns, San Diego, California. Respiratory Care August 2016, 61(8), 1003-1007. |
11 | Mainstream capnography system for nonintubated children in the postanesthesia care unit: Performance with changing flow rates, and a comparison to side stream capnography. Makoto Nagoshi, Rica Morzov, Justin Hotz, Paula Belson, Marla Matar, Patrick Ross, Randall Wetzel. Department of Anesthesiology Critical Care Medicine, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Pediatric Anesthesia Volume26, Issue12 December 2016, 1179-1187. |
12 | Redesign of an Open-System Oxygen Face Mask With Mainstream Capnometer for Children. Natalie Napolitano1, Akira Nishisaki2, Hayley S Buffman3, Jessica Leffelman3, Matthew R Maltese2, Vinay M Nadkarni2,3. 1. Respiratory Therapy Department. 2. Division of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine. 3. Center for Simulation, Advanced Education and Innovation, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Respiratory Care January 2017, 62(1) 70-77. |
13 | A Comparison of Different Techniques for Interfacing Capnography With Adult and Pediatric Supplemental Oxygen Masks. Justin S Phillips, Lance P Pangilinan, Earl R E Mangalindan, Joseph L Booze and Richard H Kallet Respiratory Care Services, Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care, University of California, San Francisco at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, San Francisco, California. Respiratory Care January 2017, 62 (1) 78-85. |
14 | A Novel Mainstream Capnometer System for Endoscopy Delivering Oxygen. Kenichiro Kabumoto, Fumihiko Takatori, Masayuki Inoue. Nihon Kohden Corporation, Shinjyuku-ku, Japan. Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS 2017; 2017:3433-3436. |
15 | Audible capnometric cues with end-tidal carbon dioxide improve the quality of patient monitoring. Toshiki Aoki, Masayuki Inoue, Kiyoyuki Miyasaka. Nihon Kohden Corporation, Shinjyuku-ku, Japan. Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS 2017; 2017:4305-4308. |
16 | Accuracy of a novel oxygenmask designed for mainstream capnometer in nonintubated pediatric patients. Ichiro Kondo1, Masateru Kumemura1,2, Tomoki Yamaguchi1, Kentaro Yamakawa1, Yuichiro Nonaka3, Masatoshi Iijima4, Shoichi Uezono1. 1. Department of Anesthesiology, The Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan. 2. Department of Anesthesiology, Juntendo University Shizuoka Hospital, Shizuoka, Japan. 3. Department of Neurosurgery, The Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan. 4. Department of Pediatrics, The Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan. Journal of Anesthesia & Clinical Reserch Volume 10, Issue 2, 877. |
17 | Novel mainstream capnometer system is safe and feasible even under CO2 insufflation during ERCP-related procedure: a pilot study. Yoichi Takimoto1, Eisuke Iwasaki1, Tatsuhiro Masaoka1, Seiichiro Fukuhara2, Shintaro Kawasaki1, Takashi Seino1, Tadashi Katayama1, Kazuhiro Minami1, Hiroki Tamagawa1, Yujiro Machida1, Haruhiko Ogata2, Takanori Kanai1. 1. Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,Department of Internal Medicine, Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan. 2. Center for Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy, KeioUniversity School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan BMJ Open Gastro 2019;6:e000266. |
18 | Effect of tidal volume and end tracheal tube leakage on end-tidal CO2 in very low birth weight infants Daijiro Takahashi1,2, Koko Goto1, Kei Goto2. 1. Division of Neonatology, Fukuda Hospital, Kumamoto, Japan. 2. Division of Pediatrics, Fukuda Hospital, Kumamoto, Japan. Journal of Perinatology (2021) 41:47-52. |
19 | A Novel Nasal Cannula Type Mainstream Capnometer System Capable of Oxygen Administration Takayuki Aoyagi, Kenichiro Kabumoto, Fumihiko Takatori and Masayuki Inoue. Nihon Kohden Corporation, Shinjyuku-ku, Japan. Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS 2020; 2020: 4450-4453. |
20 | A Novel Mainstream Capnometer System for Non-invasive Positive Pressure. Nihon Kohden Corporation, Shinjyuku-ku, Japan. Yuya Baba, Fumihiko Takatori, Masayuki Inoue and Isao Matsubara. Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS 2020; 2020:4446-4449. |
21 | Ventilated Infants Have Increased Dead Space and Lower Alveolar Tidal Volumes during the Early versus Recovery Phase of Respiratory Distress. Zuiki M., Yamano A., Kitamura K., Goda T., Oya S., Komatsu H. Department of Pediatrics, National Hospital Organization Maizuru Medical Center, Kyoto, Japan Neonatology 2020; 117:189–192. |