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Digital EEG

Digital EEG

Title: Let's learn how to manipulate digital EEG effectively and efficiently 
Lecturer: Dr. Kiyohito Terada, Yokohama Minoru Epilepsy & Developmental Clinic 

Dr. Terada explains how to use digital electroencephalographs.  This lecture is intended for doctors who can read EEG waveforms. (50 min/English)

  1. How digital EEG works
  2. Change the reference electrode
  3. Change the montage
  4. Try different filters
  5. Hum filter 
  6. Let's try it out !

How to view the webinar

This webinar is now open for registration. Please fill out the application form below and submit it to Nihon Kohden.  You will receive a URL and password to view the webinar.

Registration: March 25, 2025
Delivery: March 31, 2025

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