Application Notes
Application Notes
These notes provide detailed information about our technology, including usage instructions and examples of practical applications. Please refer to this information for effective use of our products and technologies.
Celltac G series Case Study
The case study for Celltac G series provides easy to understand explanations of measurement principles, flag information, histograms, and scattergrams. It also shows cell photographs and morphological findings for many typical cases. The case study can be useful as basic education material and for help in recognizing abnormal test results.
■Data provision and supervision, Department of Clinical Laboratory, The University of Tokyo Hospital Masahiro Jona
Case 1 : Neutrophilia

Case 2 : Eosinophilia

Case 3 : Basophilia

Case 4 : AML, myelodsplasia related (AML-MR)

Case 5-1 : Cold Agglutinin Disease (sample at room temperature)

Case 5-2 : Cold Agglutinin Disease (sample after warming to 37℃ )

Case 6-1 : EDTA-dependent pseudothrombocytopenia (EDTA-anticoagulated specimen)

Case 6-2 : EDTA-dependent pseudothrombocytopenia (kanamycin-treated specimen)

Case 7 : AML-M3, Hypogranular Variant